June 17, 2017


Life has never been comfortable no matter how poor or how rich a person may be, no matter how influential or not know a person is in the society, Every one Needs Somebody. People make up the life we live and that’s a true fact because the man was created to be a social being and not an island. Don't become so concerned about yourself alone because your life is a bit better than that of others and you feel others can help themselves while you do same to yourself. But it ought not to be so, there is need to help one another. The need of a person might be quite different from others.
Be a helping hand to make someone else great even though you have not attained the great height you desire and wish to get to, it might surprise you that the person you assist today might be your saviour tomorrow because no one can predict tomorrow.
I read the story of a wealthy man who is a generous person and assisted a lot of people and established them in businesses and were doing so well in the things he has helped them do. Life went on and on but something happened. This wealthy man took some loans from a bank to carry out a business transaction that will fetch him some million dollars but unknown to him, they were fraudsters and he lost that loan and was back to nothing when the bankers came for their money. But the people he had established came to his aid and he was back to business.
let's assume he refused to help anyone, his life would have ended like that because no one to come to his aid but the people he had earlier on established came to his aid.
My friend, you don’t know what life holds in store for tomorrow. Use every opportunity you have and do good to people whether they deserve it or not.
That little kindness of yours in a way of counselling from your heart of heart can help deliver a youth from becoming a menace and public disturbance to the society. It is not every time you shout at a youth for doing wrong, at times there is need to seat the youth down and explain things, explain the danger in what they are getting themselves involved in. Let them see reasons why you need them to have a change of life.
That five minutes prayers for that friend passing through some storms of life could heal a great wound that many words can't heal because words at times have its own limitation. I have been in a situation that people counsel me but I laugh over the counsel they give because it something well known to me but at that point, all I need is just someone to pray for me, someone to just tell me “ALL WILL BE WELL”.
Give some ideas to that man or woman that will help him or her stand on their own. The ideas you give to that person will go a long way to not to help only the person you gave the ideas but to others around him.
Be kind enough to ask people “how are you”, don't always conclude that they are fine just because they always smile and pretend that all is well, the pains of the heart kills faster than wounds of the body. The smile of people does not always mean “all is well”, at times is just a way of saying “I cant kill myself over things I know I have no power to correct or make comfortable”.
Make somebody smile today and let them have a cause for thanking God that he created you.
NO KINDNESS IS TOO SMALL. They are seeds that will definitely germinate even after your death. Show some kindness and kindness will come to you.

June 16, 2017


leave your comfort zones

The brain remains in a state of dormancy when life is so comfortable and so cool. Leave that your comfort zone so that your brain that actually stays at work. Those whose lives are so comfortable tend to be lazy and not allowing the brain to think because life is so much in order and so calm to them. But if one must be impactful and ready to affect others then such a one must be ready to allow the brain begin to think alright and straight. 
The brain has lots of things to offer but it will come to full manifestation if one does really task the brain with “useful” activities. At times, I get to think out some things and I wonder why that idea hasn’t come out for long until now, I discovered that I did not allow my brain to be at work.
My friend until you remove your thinking and thought-line from “I  have people that can help me" to “there are people in this life that I should be helping in the nearest future from now", you will never think of solutions to life problems and difficulties. You will never think of how to deal with poverty, knowing that it is a sickness that is capable of crumbling one’s vision and dreams in life until you leave your comfort zone.
Try to put yourself in a position to help others in the nearest future and not in the position that there are people that will come to my aid to help me whenever am in need. There will not always be people to help you but you can always be a source to help others.
Until you are ready to take responsibility of taking care of others, you may never see the need to stop depending on people for help all the time. Depending on people is not something bad or evil per say but your life should not depend solely on people but rather your dependence on people should be for some support and not for  "everything".
Those people whom you are depending solely on today will die someday or might not be in the position to help you out when you are in need. Try living and building a life that is not dependent on the success of others but rather let your succeeding in life be the reason for others to smile in life and a place to succour in time of need.
Build yourself up and come to the position that a few years from now that there are people I should be able to help financially, morally, spiritually and otherwise. Build up capacity to handle the problems of others, build up your capacity to be a problem solver and not one that compounds or create more problems for people.
Be a solution carrier and not a problem creator. Don't  be a consumer of things only  but be a producer and contributor to the life of people, to your environment and nation as a whole
Think wide, think of ways to help others so that they will ever be grateful to God that you were created and that they met you in life. 
Make a decision today to impact lives and don’t remain stagnant in life

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