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I am sorry, my friend |
I am sorry! I am sorry! I am sorry!
The above is not strange to anyone including a child but there comes a lot of questions with the above: When you say “I am sorry”, do you really mean it that you are sorry. Do you take actions that will justify the claim of been sincerely sorry or it’s just mere words of the mouth?
Many conflicts and intertribal problems would have been resolved without any crash of power but due to pride, people see it as a humiliation to say sorry to someone they have wronged or someone they feel they did not wrong in any way. Nevertheless, the truth of the matter is that saying sorry has resolved some wars and reconciled homes, relations and nations.
If peace must, therefore be in the land, then there must be people who are and must be ready to say sorry whenever they go wrong or even when they are right just to calm the rage of the other person
Saying “I am sorry” does not change your identity, neither does it show that you are a weak person, in fact, that is a great strength because you just calmed an angry man with it and peace in that relationship was restored.
Learn to say sorry even to people you are older than including your children, don’t claim to a father or mother, and you make use of that opportunity to oppress your kids and shout at them because you are their parents rather than be humble to say “my child I am sorry”.
As a boss in the office, for you to have a great respect and cordial relationship between you and your subordinates then you must learn to say sorry if you discover your wrong or your wrong is being found out by the person under you. It does not reduce you as their boss but it makes your subordinates to be very friendly and free with you. This will create room for great improvement because due to your freeness with them they can easily bring up ideas that will keep your company going or try to share with you some useful steps to take that may want to crash down the growth of the company. A little sorry has added more to your safety and taking you away from failure.
As a religious leader in the church or mosque or any gathering that relates with the worship of God, do you try to assume the most-perfect person without mistakes? That’s not true, only God is the perfect being, as long as you are still a human, you are bound to still make mistakes, making a mistake is not a crime but do you accept your mistakes when it is made known to you. Saying sorry does not dethrone you from that great height and position that you are occupying. Learn to say sorry sir and ma.
Go, say sorry to that person you have offended, that good friend of yours that your relationship has grown sour because of pride of not being willing to be the first to say sorry. Go back to that your fiancée or hubby, reconcile. Be a peace restorer by saying that sorry. Bear the blame if you really value that friendship or relationship that has been broken down by your pride.
Sorry has power, it's a builder and restorer. Say it out loud and restore peace in the mist of that crises.