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common sense is not common in any way |
When I see some behavior and response of people at some point, I wonder what their state of reasoning is made up of. You wonder why they skip so low to do certain things that their senses ordinarily should have told them it ought not to be so and I came to a valid conclusion that COMMON SENSE is scarce and not common.
Often times you must have heard people say, “you ought to have used your COMMON SENSE”, COMMON SENSE should teach you this or that. I then decided to study and make a deep search if the particular sense that regarded as been common is in essence worthy of the accolade “common”.
Common sense from the dictionary meaning says: it’s an internal or inbuilt sense, believed to be the sense by which information from the five senses is clearly understood and given an interpretation. Another definition puts it this way as an “ordinary sensible understanding which allows plain understanding and without which a good/sensible decision can’t be made.
The definitions above tends to be contrary to our society today because men have devised several wrong mentality and approach to life issues, rendering common sense that has been given to us by God to be of non-effect in the application. The sense is actually regarded as common; meaning is not expensive or it’s free of charge but yet it is lacking in men and women in the society today and that’s the reason for disorderliness, maltreatment, a breakdown of law and order.
It is lack of this common sense that has made the political class so insensible to the plights of the common person in the society. The absence of this common sense makes a politician cart away several millions of public funds into private pockets thereby making the masses bedridden in poverty, lack and starvation and no one have the authority to question them because of fear. They save for several generations unborn but the masses who voted them into power are suffering.
Common sense ought to have taught us that if you come to a place where there is a queue say; in a bus park, ATM stand or anything that has to do with people following an order, we ought to join from behind but we do want to maneuver our way to be the first to be served. We tend to be in a hurry forgetting that there were people there before we came and they are busy people like you. That is the absence of common sense.
It’s the absence of common sense that has made drivers on the road not obedient to traffic light and road signs, it’s common sense to stop when the traffic light says to stop because the stop means there are vehicles that will cross your path in the opposite direction but men disregard the orders of the traffic light.
Common sense ought to have taught parent that it is not proper to have a sexual knowledge of the children they have given birth to but in our society today we hear and see daughters been raped by their own fathers, we see sons forcing their way into their mothers and wonder what is the hope of the next generation. Indeed common is not common but very expensive in our day.
It’s a common sense for a student to pass an examination if he or she does well but the insensibility of some lecturers has made passing an examination not to be on merit but by bribery and corruption and dubious acts. Those who have the greater part of improving the common sense of people are also part of making common sense so hard to get in our society and I cry that common sense is scarce!
There are many things to say but let me stop my bleeding pen from its wounds and ask you some question;
Is your common sense still active or has the trend in the society made you flow along insensibilities?
Are you following the trend of evil or deciding to be different from others?
Others may decide to do evil but can you decide to be the change that the world needs?
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