Be impactful |
From my previous article titled “common sense is not common but scarce,” I ended that piece by asking few questions and the last one is what I will dwell on in this article: Can you be the change that the world needs? If you missed it, you can get it here COMMON SENSE IS NOT COMMON
Change is been believed to be a constant thing in life although this constant change could be either positive or negative depending on who is involved in effecting that change.
The greatest man/woman on earth is not always the strongest (in terms of physical strength) but the most impactful person. A legend is a person whose life and times on earth still rings like a volcanic eruption from the archive of history until in the now. The impact of either the negative or the positive is both creating impacts. However, the question is “WHAT IMPACT ARE YOU CREATING?”
Of recent, I stopped the constant wishing of “Happy birthdays” on Facebook except those really close to me who may want to feel I hate them that is why I didn’t wish them a happy birthday.
What is happy about your birthday? Oh! I am not ungrateful to God who has kept you alive oh but aside been alive, what else are you contributing to life? Yes God added one more year to you but I want to really ask, the ones He has been adding before, of what use has it been to humanity, people around you and to God who added the years?
Sorry if am trying to sound harsh here. Am not against the birthday celebration, in fact, my 25th birthday comes up in mid-October. It is not about me been 25 (silver jubilee) but has my been alive really added any silver strips to the life of anyone?. Are mine really contributing anything to humanity or destroying the impact created by others.
Sir/ma, you are celebrating, close to celebrating or have celebrated the Silver jubilee (25 years celebration) or golden jubilee (50 years celebration) of your life but has your life really added any silver or gold to other’s life and humanity? I have decided not to live a no-body kind of life, at least my life should encourage someone, I should make someone happy, and I should make someone improve. Someone should look at me and say, I am here today because he encouraged me, he prayed for me, rebuked me from doing evil. Yes! that’s what I want! not just counting age and not be useful and resourceful.
You hide your age from people, what is so special about your age? Ok fine, hide your age but can you let us see the impact you have created so far? Your age is just a number; let’s see the value of that number. Stop counting age and start counting impact!
When God created man, he gave man four major assignments to do on earth in Genesis 1 vs. 27 -28.
· Been fruitful
· Multiplicative ability
· Replenishing and
· Subduing the earth
There was no room for subtraction from the earth’s value but rather been in a state of contributing. Therefore, I think the world needs your own input. Yes, I know we are all patiently waiting to die and go to heaven where there are joy and happiness but may I also inform you that the bible that is guiding you to heaven is but the impactful works that God did through men and with men.
Don’t die a nonentity, God did not waste His precious time to create a fool that will just waste time on earth but he took out his time to wonderfully create you. The world needs your contribution. You are important and useful. Add possible values to lives before your death.
The greatest man/woman on earth is not always the strongest (in terms of physical strength) but the most impactful person. A legend is a person whose life and times on earth still rings like a volcanic eruption from the archive of history until in the now. The impact of either the negative or the positive is both creating impacts. However, the question is “WHAT IMPACT ARE YOU CREATING?”
Of recent, I stopped the constant wishing of “Happy birthdays” on Facebook except those really close to me who may want to feel I hate them that is why I didn’t wish them a happy birthday.
What is happy about your birthday? Oh! I am not ungrateful to God who has kept you alive oh but aside been alive, what else are you contributing to life? Yes God added one more year to you but I want to really ask, the ones He has been adding before, of what use has it been to humanity, people around you and to God who added the years?
Sorry if am trying to sound harsh here. Am not against the birthday celebration, in fact, my 25th birthday comes up in mid-October. It is not about me been 25 (silver jubilee) but has my been alive really added any silver strips to the life of anyone?. Are mine really contributing anything to humanity or destroying the impact created by others.
Sir/ma, you are celebrating, close to celebrating or have celebrated the Silver jubilee (25 years celebration) or golden jubilee (50 years celebration) of your life but has your life really added any silver or gold to other’s life and humanity? I have decided not to live a no-body kind of life, at least my life should encourage someone, I should make someone happy, and I should make someone improve. Someone should look at me and say, I am here today because he encouraged me, he prayed for me, rebuked me from doing evil. Yes! that’s what I want! not just counting age and not be useful and resourceful.
You hide your age from people, what is so special about your age? Ok fine, hide your age but can you let us see the impact you have created so far? Your age is just a number; let’s see the value of that number. Stop counting age and start counting impact!
When God created man, he gave man four major assignments to do on earth in Genesis 1 vs. 27 -28.
· Been fruitful
· Multiplicative ability
· Replenishing and
· Subduing the earth
There was no room for subtraction from the earth’s value but rather been in a state of contributing. Therefore, I think the world needs your own input. Yes, I know we are all patiently waiting to die and go to heaven where there are joy and happiness but may I also inform you that the bible that is guiding you to heaven is but the impactful works that God did through men and with men.
Don’t die a nonentity, God did not waste His precious time to create a fool that will just waste time on earth but he took out his time to wonderfully create you. The world needs your contribution. You are important and useful. Add possible values to lives before your death.
it's time to know WHO ARE YOU?